
Insight Cloud Quickstart

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Please note that as of Jan 3rd, 2025, support tickets will be handled by OneNet Global Support team. Please see OneNet Global Support Portal - End User Instructions for guided information on how to use the OneNet Global ticketing system.

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Add An Ecessa Device To Insight Cloud

  1. Go to the live device and enable Cloud View feature
  2. Add the site in the interface
    1. Go to and login
    2. Select 'Sites' from the navigation bar
      1. Optionally select the group you wish to add to
    3. Click 'Add Site' and fill out the form
      1. The Ecessa Cloud will contact the live device to ensure user has access




  • Monitoring for a site is reporting N/A
    • Verify the Management Access List settings as shown in Preparing for the Ecessa Cloud
    • If the site was just added it may take several minutes for the monitoring to start
  • Not able to go to the live site


Viewing a Site


Adding a Site

  • Received the message "Please configure this cloud url to point to ...."
  • Received the message "Monitoring was not enabled because SNMP was already enabled on the device"
    • The live device already has SNMP enabled.  In order for the cloud to monitor your device SNMP has to be configured for it.


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