
Basic Configuration

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This section will cover the basic configuration settings required for the example network used in the WAN Virtualization overview.

Log into the web interface of the Ecessa appliance. Go to WAN Virtualization located under Advanced Setup in the left-hand menu.

Each site connected by WAN Virtualization links are identified with a site number.

Under Sites Management, click the Add Site button to add a new row. Enter the Site Number and Site Name then click the Activate button.

After the site is added, click the Configure link to the right of the Site Name.

Click the Add Local Entry button to add a new row. Enter the local WAN information for each link that is to be used for WAN Virtualization.

Click the Add Remote Entry button to add a new row. Enter the remote WAN information for each link that is to be used for WAN Virtualization.

Enable the setting “Allow identified LAN traffic through bonded lines” and then click the Add Traffic Entry button to add a new row. Enter the local and remote LAN networks allowed through the WAN Virtualization tunnels. The networks specified here are used by the Ecessa to identify what traffic should be routed via WAN Virtualization.

For our example, we are just using one WAN link and one LAN per site. Click the Activate button to save the changes.

Each side of the WAN Virtualization link should be configured as a “mirror image” of the other.

After each site is configured, enable each remote site by selecting the “Enable” check box on the main WAN Virtualization page under Sites Management and then click the Activate button.

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