Ecessa Firmware Release Notes
Version: 10.7.7
Release Date: 2019.06.28
Revision 1.0: 2019.06.28
New Features
1. Support for new hardware L4210A.
1. When a spare DHCP WAN becomes active the first static route will drop traffic.
2. SLA expiration not displayed on System Update page.
Known Issues
1. CLI speed-test fails due to certificate verification problem.
2. Creating a WAN using the CLI, with an alias of 24 characters, causes a software restart.
3. Creating a WAN Virtualization site with a name longer than 22 characters causes a software restart.
4. Disabling WAN Virtualization, or a hardware failover occurring when WAN Virtualization is enabled, on a busy system can result in a software deadlock.
5. When a device is running a configuration which has WAN Virtualization sites and loads a configuration which does not have WAN Virtualization sites configured the device software may restart.
6. Virtual Product may boot slowly.
7. Adding an encrypted WAN Virtualization site using the CLI may not work as expected.
8. The DHCP service can stop unexpectedly.
9. The LCD display can become stuck and not display new information when keys are pressed.
10. Enabling WAN Virtualization encryption using the CLI without specifying a VPN name will create an IPSec VPN entry with no name.
11. Phone calls made within a short time after enabling the VoIP feature may not choose the Primary WAN.
12. Using the CLI to create an alias with multiple addresses will reorder the addresses and remove duplicates, making the alias unusable for firewall forwarding rules.
13. When a DHCP WAN is given a very short lease time by the modem the Ecessa device can become unresponsive.
14. Using Hardware Failover with high traffic throughput can cause excessive loading of the device.
15. DNS Reverse Zone may not work correctly for load-balanced hosts.
16. WAN Virtualization which is using non base IP addresses can not route as expected when a static route is in place which applies to all traffic.
17. WAN Virtualization hub location cannot have a site number that is greater than 127.
18. Ports can become disabled on legacy 600 product (7568c) when pulling a cable during traffic flow.
19. Failback static route over WAN Virtualization doesn't fail back after failing over to a WAN.
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