Ecessa Insight Release Notes
Version: 3.0
Release Date: 2016.10.10
Revision 1.0: 2016.10.10
New Features
1. Ecessa Insight includes support for Virtual Devices. To learn more go to
2. Widgets are now available on the cloud dashboard page to show various information about the devices that are linked to the Ecessa cloud. To learn more go to
3. A user is now able to configure global aliases via the cloud user interface, which can be pushed to the remote devices. To learn more go to
1. Ecessa devices will have the ability to notify the cloud when events occur.
1. A link for users to navigate to the Ecessa Legacy Cloud is added to the main login page.
2. The site monitoring information will show the Global VPN state if available.
3. After a site is deleted in the cloud, retain collected information for a period of time.
4. Cloud will support SMS text notifications.
5. Allow users to add a custom message to email alert notifications.
6. User can add email notification addresses.
7. The cloud user interface has been updated to be more responsive and work better for mobile devices.
1. There is a spelling error in the error message when a password reset fails.
2. The site monitoring section can get into a state where it shows no services for the associated site.