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Ecessa Firmware Notes
Version: 10.5.2
Release Date: 2015.03.20

1. Further improved WAN Virtualization tunnel testing.

1. Various changes to bridge state, such as, static route changes and disabling of bridges, would not be properly reflected on the backend.
2. View Basic Setup page would fail to fully load with configured bridges.
3. Firewall conflicts with DHCP Relay.
4. Activating the Services page would clear DHCP Relay settings.
5. Web UI crash when changing duplex or MAC settings on a Virtual Machine.
6. System crash after deleting all aliases through the Web UI.
7. Running ‘wanvirt test’ through the CLI can reset uplink/downlink speeds to 1Kbps.

Known Issues
1. ‘Active Failover’ does not work with VTI VPN.
2. Cannot use Static Routes to define failover precedence between two VTI VPN’s that have the same remote endpoint.
3. Adding a ‘wan’ and ‘wan peer’ in the same commit (through the CLI) will map peer to wrong WAN.
4. Duplicate ‘wan peer’ addresses when moving a WAN that has associated peer addresses (CLI).
5. When WAN Virtualization Compression is used, WAN Virtualization Static Routes are ignored. This includes the default Load Balance static route. All traffic will follow the Aggregation behavior for available tunnels.
7. dhcp-helper and LAN DHCP server cannot run at the same time.
8. WAN Virtualization site-to-site traffic can be blocked by the firewall.

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